
Complimentary Inspection

Take advantage of our complimentary detailed inspection of your AC system today! The complimentary inspection can be scheduled, at your convenience, with the day and time of your choice.

Our process usually begins by conducting a comprehensive complimentary consultation to assess the accessibility and, if any, problems, with your air conditioning system, along with other essential components and provide you with a quote accordingly.

You may call us at 800 MOLTO (66586) or +9714 8810811, email us at info@moltocare.ae or you may choose to fill in the form below.

Please do keep in mind that a site inspection takes 30 minutes on average.

A comprehensive report along with illustrations will be provided within 24 hours after the consultation. The report will include:

  • A pricing quotation
  • Narrative describing the condition of your AC System
  • Illustrations of the interiors of your AC Duct System
  • Service recommendation on the most effective cleaning method
  • Any mechanical problems that may not necessarily be related to the hygiene standards of the AC system
  • Finally, approximate duration to conduct the Deep AC Cleaning and AC disinfection service

Take advantage of our complimentary inspection and get in touch with us today! Put moltocare in your life to help breathe the difference!

Contact Us

Office 17, Awazel Building,

Manama Street, Ras Al Khor 2,

Dubai UAE

Call Us +971 4 88 10 811

Email: info@moltocare.ae
